
Designer Visions of Wellness

Jacksonville Zoo 370 Zoo Parkway, Jacksonville, FL, United States

Architects from leading zoo design firms think outside the box during this facilitated group discussion. Featuring Jeff Sawyer of CLR, Chris Overdorf of ELM, and John Kemper of PGAV Destinations. Speakers and participants at the workshop will consider how the construct of “wellness” inspires a new approach to designing and managing wildlife exhibits in zoological… Continue reading.

Dream Up: Planning, Designing, and Building Amazing Attractions in SketchUp

Join three SketchUp all-stars -- Dave Cooperstein (PGAV Destinations), Neal Emery (Disney Imagineering), and Steven Gross (Universal Orlando) -- for an exploration of the planning and design process behind some of the world's most exciting theme parks and destination attractions. This session will take a close look at SketchUp's role in master planning, concept design,… Continue reading.


Conservation Efforts at The Brookfield Zoo

Brookfield Zoo 8400 W 31st St, Broofield, IL, United States

PGAV Destinations VP Emily Howard, Architectural Designer Kartono Nguyen, and Zoological Designer and Site Planner Stacey Ludlum will be leading a daylong workshop for Chicago area high school students regarding the survival struggles and conservation efforts of polar bears, brown bears, bison, bald eagles, and wolves represented in the Great Bear Wilderness exhibit.

When ‘Innovation’ Alone Is Not Enough

Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center 400 Renaissance Drive , Detroit, MI, United States

In a WIRED article chronicling the involvement of IDEO with the KYU creative collective, author Liz Stinson notes, "To succeed, a studio can no longer simply provide ideas with a shiny presentation tied on top like a bow." As a literal interpretation of the IDSA International Conference theme, "Making Things Happen," Brian Pelcak, IDSA, of PGAV Destinations, will… Continue reading.

Designing Exhibits for Carnivores

Educational lecture on designing exhibits based on natural behavior and environmental enrichment for some of the most charismatic species found in zoos. Focus on creating habitats that provide a sense of connection and inspiration while benefiting the mental and physical needs of the animals.

Big Bear Alpine Zoo: Building a New Zoo with a Big Mission on a Small Budget

San Diego Convention Center

As part of the On the Boards session, PGAV Zoological Designer and Site Planner Stacey Ludlum and Curator of Big Bear Alpine Zoo Bob Cisneros will describe the challenges of building an entirely new zoo, routed in 50 years of tradition as a rescue and rehab facility, on a shoestring budget.

PGAV Destinations Presents as Top Sponsor at the 2016 6th Annual IDSA-STL Student Design Competition

Saint Louis Science Center 5050 Oakland Ave, St. Louis, MO, United States

Competition Challenge: Competing students enrolled in a post-secondary institution within the IDSA Midwest District are to use design thinking methods and evaluate urban farming to propose an innovative solution for facilitating food security in urban populations. The winner will be awarded The PGAV Destinations Innovation Award, including a  cash award of $2,500

‘Cultivating a Creative Culture’ at IAAPA Leadership Conference 2017.

Chair and Principal Mike Konzen will discuss “Cultivating a Creative Culture” at IAAPA Leadership Conference 2017. Konzen will present innovations and ideas that can help to energize, grow, and encourage healthy, creative company environments. “Company culture is essential to your overall success,” says Konzen. “It is without a doubt one of, if not the most,… Continue reading.

Voice Of The Visitor

Palm Beach County Convention Center 650 Okeechobee Blvd., West Palm Beach, United States

PGAV Destinations, in conjunction with H2R Market Research and Blooloop, have embarked on an annual survey of people who have visited an attraction in the current year or plan to visit in the upcoming year, analyzing visitors' viewpoints of attractions, reactions, expectations, and trends. This can be used to provide an industry-standard dashboard that quantifies… Continue reading.
