
Dream Up: Planning, Designing, and Building Amazing Attractions in SketchUp

Join three SketchUp all-stars -- Dave Cooperstein (PGAV Destinations), Neal Emery (Disney Imagineering), and Steven Gross (Universal Orlando) -- for an exploration of the planning and design process behind some of the world's most exciting theme parks and destination attractions. This session will take a close look at SketchUp's role in master planning, concept design,… Continue reading.


Catching Their Interest: Engaging Content in the Modern Museum

Walter E. Washington Convention Center 801 Mt Vernon Pl NW, Washington, DC, United States

Museums need to communicate content in engaging ways that go beyond one-way, text-based forms of communication. This session will detail strategies for using tools such as social media, premium experiences, retail items, food, and branding to make content come to life in new ways that ultimately support your museum’s mission. This session will be led… Continue reading.

When ‘Innovation’ Alone Is Not Enough

Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center 400 Renaissance Drive , Detroit, MI, United States

In a WIRED article chronicling the involvement of IDEO with the KYU creative collective, author Liz Stinson notes, "To succeed, a studio can no longer simply provide ideas with a shiny presentation tied on top like a bow." As a literal interpretation of the IDSA International Conference theme, "Making Things Happen," Brian Pelcak, IDSA, of PGAV Destinations, will… Continue reading.

PGAV Destinations Presents as Top Sponsor at the 2016 6th Annual IDSA-STL Student Design Competition

Saint Louis Science Center 5050 Oakland Ave, St. Louis, MO, United States

Competition Challenge: Competing students enrolled in a post-secondary institution within the IDSA Midwest District are to use design thinking methods and evaluate urban farming to propose an innovative solution for facilitating food security in urban populations. The winner will be awarded The PGAV Destinations Innovation Award, including a  cash award of $2,500

‘Cultivating a Creative Culture’ at IAAPA Leadership Conference 2017.

Chair and Principal Mike Konzen will discuss “Cultivating a Creative Culture” at IAAPA Leadership Conference 2017. Konzen will present innovations and ideas that can help to energize, grow, and encourage healthy, creative company environments. “Company culture is essential to your overall success,” says Konzen. “It is without a doubt one of, if not the most,… Continue reading.

Designing Built-in Animal Enrichments

University of Wroclaw, Poland plac Uniwersytecki 1, 50-137, Wroclaw, Poland

Project Manager Mariusz Bleszynski's session will review the variety of permanent and rotatable animal enrichment devices used around the world in a variety of zoo scales and settings, as well as explore new concepts currently in research and development. Bleszynski will share ideas on how to engage animals’ five senses and their innate curiosity, as… Continue reading.


Trends in Zoo Design: Balancing Wellness and Guest Experience

University of Wroclaw, Poland plac Uniwersytecki 1, 50-137, Wroclaw, Poland

Director of Zoo & Aquarium Planning and Design Stacey Ludlum's session will explore zoos’ desire to bring enrichment to the forefront, which has been a catalyst for zoo designers to develop habitats around having the ability to enrich animals in full view of guests by designing the exhibits differently than traditional “natural” and immersive environments. This… Continue reading.
