April 29, 2014
– By Dave Cooperstein, senior creative designer
I discovered something in August of 2013: Twitter makes traveling even more fun. There’s something about the act of collectively sharing your travel experiences, with whomever is willing to follow, which is exhilarating. Not to mention the added bonus of documenting your trip for posterity.
So, as my PGAV Destinations’ colleague Joe Poelzl and I set off on a trip to SketchUp 3D Basecamp 2014, I decided to use Twitter to track our adventures, and report on the latest and greatest from the collective hive of world-wide SketchUp users who assembled in Vail, Colorado in April of 2014.
So, without further ado, here are my personal Top 20 Moments from #PGAVatSUBC:

19. There’s nothing less flattering than a picture of you sleeping. I learned this the hard way.

18. Vail, Colorado is beautiful. Our ride to Vail was not. We almost died. As you will see, ‘not dying’ would become a reoccurring theme for the trip.

17. Ahh. There’s nothing like a little nerd humor to kick off the first session of the conference. I guess you had to be there.

16. Yep. There’s always one in the crowd.

15. The first big New Feature introduction was a good one. Sort of.

14. For what it’s worth (and it’s not worth much), I correctly called ALL of these.

13. There’s something INCREDIBLY telling about this statement.

12. At last, you can take SketchUp models on the go. You know, since you can’t (yet) check out a server license.

11. There’s something really useful about meeting and talking to the people responsible for actually making the software you use. And, again, nerd humor.

10. The Keynote was full of profound insight from Nick Ierodiaconou of 00.

9.When asked why they invented their own VR Headset to view 3D models, instead of waiting to get an Oculus Rift, the guys from the University of Minnesota’s Virtual Reality Design Lab said, “Basically, because we’re impatient.”

8. Remember that ‘not dying’ theme? Here it is again.

7. If you’ve ever wanted to add a 4th dimension (Time) into your 3D SketchUp models, now you can!

6. You know that scene in “The Social Network”, in Mark Zuckerberg’s dorm room, where a bunch of nerds are huddled around computers, trying to hack the system, and the winner gets a job at Facebook? SketchUpictionary was just like that, only geekier, and with a much less awesome prize.

5. This pretty much sums up the current philosophy on 3D printing.

4. While technically this was not part of the actual conference, this string of Tweets was still full of cleverness. And hilarity.

3. Basecamp was great, but I have a suggestion for next time.

1. But, for the Number 1 Moment from #PGAVatSUBC, we go back to Monday’s Keynote. It’s profound, because it’s true.

Honorable Mention #2: But…It’s the little victories in life that are the most fun to enjoy.